On average 250 new London escorts are added to the 100% water proof LEG database each week.
Throughout the site you'll see girls that have a NEW watermark in the top left corner. These are escorts that have been added to LEG in the past ten days.
We check this page every day for fakes. Please let us know your suspicions if your well trained eye spots any mischievous postings.
Stuck for ideas? Check out our award winning INSPIRATION GRID (now moved to our SEARCH PAGE). Curated searches to give you some ideas. Only the most clicked on girls per category appear in the search results - so it sort of updates itself everyday.
DID YOU KNOW? You can now start clicking on the HOT or NOT thumbs to move your girl onto our Hot Or Not gallery. Let your impeccable taste run riot on our site and get your girls onto the gallery of fame. In the mood for some more clicking? Vote in our award winning Who'd You Rather competition running on the top right of the New Girls page. The girls will love you for it.
DID YOU KNOW? You can now start clicking on the HOT or NOT thumbs to move your girl onto our Hot Or Not gallery. Let your impeccable taste run riot on our site and get your girls onto the gallery of fame. In the mood for some more clicking? Vote in our award winning Who'd You Rather competition running on the top right of the New Girls page. The girls will love you for it.